I am home and stampin' again. I want to thank all of you for your support during the last few hectic months! I am happy to report that my parents are happily home in Fayetteville and hopefully all will be calm soon. We have had a few problems without my dad staying here. Seems like the Art Director was very impressed with his Grand pop catering to his every need. Like this picture of them standing in my office and my dad telling me William Cecil is hungry, you need to feed him. Yes, Cecil some how managed to wrap my dad right around his paw. He slept with my dad and stayed by his side at all times. Larry, took over the Art Directors chair in my office and all Cecil does these past few days is walk around crying and looking out the window.
Things are calmer today so I want to share a card I was able to put together. I thought a sentiment that said the cat is calm would be more appropriate, but all I had was this All is calm, all is bright.
I am so happy to be stampin' again!
Beautiful card Teresa!!!