Cecil here, blogging for mom. Mom is really busy making cards to post. Mom has been really busy and not able to blog for a bunch of days. I can't count so it might not be as long I think. This weekend she took me with her in the truck. Just me and Mom! I thought I was being so good…..it wasn't until we got to my grandparents house that she found out I had been taking selfies on the way. Of course, I have been told not to do that, but I was so proud, I don't even care that I used the wrong settings on her iPhone! She was not happy! I was so happy, I got to go with out Larry, I just had to have a few selfies. Here they are!
This was the first time I had been to my grandparents house. Oh my, it was huge and I had to explore every inch. There were alot of bedrooms, I decide I would sleep in the one with the little fuffly bed. Grandmother said I could not sleep in the room with the single bed, because there would not be enough room for me and mom. I was so tired from going to check out the bedrooms upstair and downstairs that I ate all of my food mom brought by 6 am the next morning. She had to go out before 7 am to get more. She also went and got my grandparents breakfast too. I begged for gravy from grand mom but she wasn't going to give it to me with mom there. Then it was time for me to take a nap, when I woke up mom and her dad were gone to the Dr. and a couple of other errands. When they got back, everybody left me….I watched them drive away from the back of the living room couch. My 2nd mistake, seems like they knew, they didn't see me but, I left some fur where I was laying in the sun waiting for them to come back.
After a little human talk, mom and I went home. Then this afternoon, my grand parents showed up at our house. They were chilling and talking, and mom was teaching her dad to use my iPad. Really, why didn't she show him how to use her iPad? I wish I could have found that phone of mom's to show you a picture of that. Weird but mom and her dad left again, but this time for a really long time. When they came back every body was talking very quietly. I don't understand but it was awesome. Everyone was so happy! They kept saying how amazing it was that Grandfather could hear clearly and kept telling each other to lower their voices.
Hopefully, Mom will be posting regularly by tomorrow! I am going to try to post the weekly specials for her….I have been watching what she does every week. Please blame her it I don't get it right, because I am in enough trouble for those handsome selfies. Also, I will probably be in a little bit of trouble for this blog post.
Teresa, this is THE cutest POST!!! Tell Cecil I said Meow!!! 😀 Hugs,