Cecil is beginning a new journey and thought this would be the perfect card to share today.The journey started with a trip to the vet. He loves his vet, he thinks she is so sweet and he really turns on the charm for her. He came home and was checking everything out to make sure Larry hadn't messed with his stuff while he was gone. I thought he was so handsome with his big boy bandaid! At first he didn't notice it but when he did, he decided it just would not do!Yesterday was a no stamping day, because he needed to have all my attention. He even knocked my iPad down when I tried to work. This morning when I got up he had stuff all over his face????? I finally figured out he was having a hard time eating and that was food all over his face. Needless to say I rushed him back to the vet. They took great care of him and here he is getting ready to go back home! He is doing much better now, I think I will be expected to cater to him again today. So quickly here is the list of supplies used in his card today!
Have a great weekend!
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