Strange as it might seem, we have 2 foxes that come to eat at our feral cat's bowl. I live on the edge (very edge) of the city limits. The house beside me and across the street are in the city. There are other critters, usually deer, a ground hog, and let us not forget about our mower mouse Topogijo. He built a nest inside of the riding mower and when we started mowing in the spring it caught on fire. Not my husbands favorite of my wildlife. He is definately mine, for all the entertainment he has given us this spring.
Here is a card with a cute little fox, I made for One Stamp Wonder Wednseday!
I used reinkers, a clear block and my blender pen to color this little guy. I have a hard time getting any shading with my markers so this is how I blend my inks. I touch the tip of the reinker bottle to my block then I can go into it a little or alot depending on what I am coloring!
Here are the other items I used to make this cute card! Click on any picture to go to my online store and order!
He is too cute to be a menace!